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Colorado Domestic Violence Attorneys

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Domestic Violence Defense Attorney

Facing domestic violence charges in Colorado can be overwhelming and life-altering. At Right Law Group, our experienced domestic violence defense attorneys, are here to provide the expert legal representation you need to protect your rights and your future. 

Whether you’ve been falsely accused or made a mistake, we understand the gravity of domestic violence cases and are committed to helping you navigate the legal system with confidence.

At Right Law Group, our experienced Domestic Violence defense lawyers are ready to help you. We will explain your rights clearly and build a strong defense to protect your future. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your case. We have conveniently located offices in Colorado Springs, Highlands Ranch and Castle Rock.

Colorado counties we serve: Arapahoe, Douglas, El Paso, Fremont, Jefferson, Pueblo, and Teller.

What Constitutes Domestic Violence in Colorado?

Under Colorado law, domestic violence is defined as an act or threatened act of violence against someone with whom the accused has had an intimate relationship. This includes spouses, former partners, cohabitants, and individuals who share a child. It can even include someone with whom you’ve had a one night stand or someone with whom you’ve never been physically intimate.

Domestic violence also extends beyond physical abuse and can include emotional, psychological, and financial abuse. It is critical to have a knowledgeable domestic violence attorney who understands the complexities of these cases and can provide the necessary defense.

In Colorado, some common acts that fall under domestic violence include:

  • Physical Abuse: Hitting, slapping, pushing, choking, or any form of physical harm.
  • Emotional Abuse: Verbal threats, intimidation, manipulation, and harassment.
  • Financial Abuse: Controlling access to finances, preventing employment, or using money as leverage in a relationship.

If you are facing domestic violence charges, consulting with a domestic violence lawyer as soon as possible is essential. The consequences of a conviction can be severe and long-lasting, including jail time, fines, mandatory treatment programs, and restrictions on your rights, such as firearm possession.

Immediate Consequences of Domestic Violence Charges

In Colorado, law enforcement is required to arrest the alleged offender if there is probable cause of domestic violence, even if the accuser does not wish to press charges. After an arrest, a mandatory protection order (also known as a restraining order) is issued, restricting contact with the alleged victim and often impacting child custody, living arrangements, and more.

Failure to adhere to a protection order can lead to additional charges, fines, and penalties. That’s why hiring an experienced domestic violence defense attorney is crucial to navigating these restrictions and protecting your rights.

Penalties for Domestic Violence in Colorado

The penalties for domestic violence convictions in Colorado vary depending on the nature and severity of the allegations, as well as any prior offenses. Typical penalties include:

Misdemeanor Domestic Violence

Up to 364 daysin jail, fines up to $5,000, and mandatory participation in a domestic violence treatment program.

Felony Domestic Violence

For more serious offenses, such as those involving weapons or repeat offenses, felony charges can result in years of imprisonment, significant fines, and a permanent criminal record.

A skilled Colorado domestic violence lawyer can work to minimize these penalties or even get the charges dismissed.

Common Defenses Against Domestic Violence Charges

Our experienced domestic violence defense attorneys at Right Law Group employ several strategies to fight domestic violence charges, including:

  • Self-Defense: If you acted to protect yourself or someone else from harm, self-defense may be a valid defense against domestic violence charges. We will gather evidence to show that your actions were reasonable given the circumstances.
  • False Allegations: Domestic violence accusations are sometimes made out of anger, jealousy, or as part of a custody dispute. Our legal team will carefully investigate the credibility of the accuser and uncover any inconsistencies or ulterior motives.
  • Accident or Lack of Intent: In some cases, the incident may have been an accident without any intent to cause harm. We will present evidence to show that the injury was unintentional or the result of a misunderstanding.

Why You Need a Domestic Violence Defense Attorney

Domestic violence cases are complex and can have long-lasting consequences on your personal and professional life. A conviction can result in:

    • Jail time or imprisonment
    • Fines and legal fees
    • Mandatory domestic violence treatment programs
    • Loss of child custody or visitation rights
    • Loss of home if you are prevented from returning home due to a restraining order
    • Damage to your reputation and relationships
    • Permanent loss of the right to own firearms

By working with an experienced domestic violence attorney, you can ensure that your rights are protected throughout the legal process. We will work tirelessly to build a strong defense, challenge the evidence against you, and explore options for reduced penalties or dismissal.

Domestic Violence and Colorado’s Mandatory Arrest Policy

Colorado has a mandatory arrest policy for domestic violence cases, meaning that police are required to make an arrest if they have probable cause to believe domestic violence has occurred. This policy often results in arrests based on minimal evidence or in cases where the incident was a misunderstanding or mutual conflict.

Because of this, it is essential to have a skilled domestic violence attorney on your side to thoroughly investigate the facts of your case, protect your rights, and help you avoid a wrongful conviction.

Contact Right Law Group for Top Rated Domestic Violence Defense

If you or someone you know has been accused of domestic violence, don’t wait to get the legal help you need. The sooner you contact a domestic violence defense lawyer, the better your chances of building a strong defense. At Right Law Group, our experienced attorneys will work with you to protect your rights, minimize the impact of the charges, and fight for the best possible outcome in your case.

Schedule a free consultation today to discuss your case with a top domestic violence attorney in Colorado Springs, Castle Rock, or Highlands Ranch.

For more information on domestic violence laws in Colorado, visit the official Colorado Judicial Branch Domestic Violence page.

Latest Domestic Violence Defense Blog Posts:

Can a Victim Drop The Charges in a Domestic Violence Case?

What Are the Legal Consequences for Domestic Violence?

The Impact of Domestic Violence on Child Custody Cases

How to Build a Strong Defense Against Domestic Violence Charges

Don’t Let One Wrong Decision Impact Your Life, Job or Freedom.

Ask a Colorado DV Lawyer

When should I call a domestic violence attorney?

Whether you are a victim or are accused of domestic violence, you should talk to one of our domestic violence attorneys as soon as possible. After authorities have become involved, make sure you are in a safe place and get in contact with an attorney right away to ensure you have someone in your corner to protect your rights and freedoms.

Do I need a lawyer for a domestic violence case?

Regardless of which side you are on, domestic violence charges are very serious. Once the authorities have gotten involved, it is in the hands of the state as to whether or not they will follow through with prosecution. You should speak with a domestic violence lawyer as soon as possible to ensure your rights and freedoms are being looked out for.

Can a domestic violence charge be dropped?

Once someone has been charged with a domestic violence offense in Colorado, the charges cannot be dropped. This is because the state has already become involved, and therefore it is not within the victim’s power to “drop” the charges. The state will choose whether or not to prosecute the case, so it is in the best interest of the accused to speak with a domestic violence attorney as soon as possible.

What happens when you get a domestic violence charge?

When there is a domestic violence call, most often, at least one party will be arrested. Under Colorado law, you will spend at least one night in jail if you have been arrested for domestic violence. You must remain calm and respectful and exercise your right to remain silent until your domestic violence attorney is present.

How serious is a domestic violence charge?

A domestic violence charge is always a serious situation. The state of Colorado does not take this lightly and will likely choose to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. Domestic violence is considered an enhancement, so the exact seriousness of the charge depends on the underlying crime (for example, assault with a domestic violence enhancement will bear a different weight than stalking with a domestic violence enhancement).

How do you fight a domestic violence charge?

If you decide that you want to fight a domestic violence charge in a trial, you will need to first understand which strategies will best help your chances. An experienced criminal defense lawyer from our law firm can help you determine which strategies are best suited for your particular case. Some ways of fighting a domestic violence charge include:

  • Character highlights: A domestic violence attorney will often put together information highlighting the good character of their client, in order to prove that they would not have committed this crime.
  • New evidence: Another possible tactic is to have your legal representation provide new evidence to challenge the case that the state has put together.
  • Present witnesses: If anyone saw or overheard the incident in question, an attorney may decide to have them speak as a witness on your behalf.
  • Self-defense theory: If you were acting in self-defense, your attorney may decide to use this as a defense, as opposed to only arguing that the state did not prove their case.
How long do domestic abuse charges stay on your record?

If domestic violence charges are dropped, the defendant has the opportunity to seal their record for those charges to no longer show. If someone has been convicted, however, this domestic charge will remain on their record, and they will not be able to seal them. A domestic violence accusation can have far-reaching effects.

How are domestic violence allegations handled?

Colorado law requires that a police officer make an arrest whenever there is probable cause that a domestic violence crime has been committed. Once the arrest has been made, the charges cannot be “dropped” by the accusing party. The state then handles domestic violence cases as a criminal case. For this reason, it is crucial to have a domestic violence attorney to help represent you and your interests, potentially by coming up with a serious defense.

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