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Castle Rock Check Fraud Lawyer

Arrested for Check Fraud?
Awards & Recognition

Are you facing check fraud charges in Castle Rock? Don’t go it alone. We’ve helped many clients fight back against fraudulent check accusations. As experienced Castle Rock criminal defense attorneys, we know Colorado’s fraudulent check laws inside and out. We’ll craft an aggressive defense to protect your future.

We’ve walked many frightened clients just like you through this process. More times than not, we’ve won dismissal or acquittal. Other times, we’ve limited the damage with plea bargains to probation or diversion.

So let us shoulder this burden with you. Call today for a free case review from our Castle Rock check fraud defense team.

What Is Check Fraud in Colorado?

Let’s break down exactly what you’re up against with check fraud allegations in Castle Rock and Douglas County.

In simplest terms, check fraud involves deceiving someone through the use of bad checks. Depending on the circumstances, prosecutors may hit you with charges like forgery, identity theft, or straight-up theft.

Some common scenarios include:

  • Purposely writing a bad check from an account you know has insufficient funds.
  • Forging someone else’s signature on a stolen check and trying to cash it.
  • Opening a bank account under a fake name and writing fraudulent checks.

These acts violate Colorado’s check fraud laws. Prosecutors typically charge them as either class 6 felonies or class 2 misdemeanors.

castle rock criminal defense attorney

The Severe Penalties You Face for Check Fraud Charges

Make no mistake – check fraud allegations in Colorado should be taken very seriously. Prosecutors typically charge cases as either misdemeanors or felonies, with stark differences in sentencing between the two.

For a misdemeanor check fraud conviction, you face up to 120 days in county jail and hefty court fines up to $750. Probation may also be handed down, requiring strict supervision for up to 2 years. Restitution is also mandated, forcing you to repay all debts to victims.

With a felony conviction, you face 12-18 months in state prison per offense. The potential fines shoot up to an astronomical $100,000. This can close doors for future housing, employment, professional licensing, and education opportunities. Your ability to secure loans and credit lines may be damaged for years to come. And if you ever find yourself charged with another crime later on, your prior felony conviction will severely enhance the penalties you face.

Simply put, a felony check fraud conviction alters the entire trajectory of your life. The consequences echo long after your sentence is served. A skilled Castle Rock check fraud lawyer can help you avoid this devastating outcome.

Common Defenses Against Allegations

When facing criminal allegations, your defense attorney’s priority is poking holes in the prosecution’s case. Skilled Colorado check fraud lawyers leverage procedural mistakes and weaknesses in the state’s evidence to protect clients.

Some potential defenses we may use include:

  • Lack of intent – Prosecutors must establish you knowingly and intentionally meant to defraud with the bad check. If you made an honest mistake or error in judgment, that’s a defense.
  • Procedural violations – If police or prosecutors failed to follow proper procedures in your case, that may render some evidence inadmissible. Any constitutional violations could lead to dismissals.
  • Insufficient funds – If the bad check was due to a bank error or funds that legitimately should have been available, you may not have meant to commit fraud.
  • Undelivered goods or services – If you wrote a check for goods or services that were ultimately never delivered, that could undermine the prosecution’s argument that you intended to defraud.
  • Bookkeeping errors – If a clerk, accountant, or other third party made a clerical error that caused the check to bounce, we can argue you lacked criminal intent.
  • Contesting the amount owed – We may argue that the alleged victim is improperly inflating the value of bounced checks. With a lower total, charges may be reduced.

The key is acting quickly to preserve defense options before the trial date approaches. An aggressive lawyer will apply pressure on prosecutors from day one, seeking leverage for reduced charges or a favorable plea bargain. With the stakes so high, you need counsel advocating for your best interests.

Why Hire an Experienced Castle Rock Criminal Defense Lawyer?

We immediately investigate your case and build an aggressive strategy focused on the best possible outcome. Whether that means getting charges reduced or dismissed or taking your case to trial for a not-guilty verdict, we’ll craft a defense tailored to your situation.

Our firm has represented clients facing criminal allegations across Douglas County. Now, we’re ready to fight for you, too. Don’t leave your future to chance.

Don’t Let One Wrong Decision Impact Your Life, Job or Freedom.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I be charged even if I didn't mean to bounce the check?

Yes, Colorado has strict liability laws regarding bad checks. Prosecutors only have to prove you knew the check would bounce, not that you specifically intended to defraud the recipient.

What other consequences might I face beyond criminal penalties?

In addition to fines and jail time, if convicted, restitution is mandatory. The victim can still pursue civil action against you for damages.

How does my criminal record affect potential check fraud charges?

If you have prior convictions for theft, fraud, or financial crimes, new check fraud charges may count as a felony, even if the bad check was for a small amount.

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